1. It is imperative to brush your teeth a minimum of twice daily, for a length of two minutes
2. Flossing is an absolute must. It will help prevent cavities between the teeth and protect against gum problems, to achieve these benefits take the floss between the teeth and below the gum
3. Use a fluoride based toothpaste. A ‘pea’ sized amount is ample. To ensure you gain the ongoing protective effects of toothpaste, spit out don’t rinse out, after brushing
4. Electric toothbrushes are very effective in minimising plaque and tartar build-up as well as minimising stains
5. Chewing sugar free gum is an excellent adjunct to any good oral health care regimen, it promotes increased salivary flow which is our natural defence against decay
6. Limiting your intake of sugary foods is a very important factor in protection against dental decay. It is especially important to limit the frequency of their intake (ie. Don’t ‘graze’ on sugary food over a long period of time)
7. Water should be your drink of choice. Avoid carbonated soft drinks, energy drinks, and sports drinks which are all generally very high in damaging sugars
8. Avoid acidic foods like cola drinks, citrus fruits, apples and wine as they can also promote dental decay and can make your teeth sensitive
9. Some useful dental oral hygiene aids for specific concerns include
– Savacol mouthwash, for acute gum problems
– Fluoride mouthwash for protection against decay
– Biotene range of products for easing a dry mouth
– Tooth mousse and recaldent gum both aid in reducing sensitivity and decay
10. Visit your dentist for regular dental check ups. It is the best way to ensure excellent on going oral health and you will spend less in the long run on maintenance rather than facing major dental work through neglect.
For dental aids and advice come in and see us at the Eastbourne Dental Centre,
cnr Marine Pde and Rimu St, or for and appointment ph. 562 7506