Do you clench or grind your teeth?

As many as 30% of the population grind or clench their teeth, many of whom are unaware they do so. This is done mainly during sleep, though not always and is referred to as bruxism.

Clenching or grinding your teeth engages some to the most powerful muscles in your body to tense, bringing your teeth together in a forceful potentially damaging way.
These forces applied over many years can cause a whole range of problems, as listed below.
– Wearing of teeth
– Breaking of teeth
– Headaches
– Sensitive teeth (including receding gums)
– Sore muscles
– Jaw joint problems (TMJ problems)

Bruxists may suffer from a few or many of the above symptoms to varying extents. Stress has been proven to be one of the main causative factors in bruxism.
So what should be done and is there a ‘cure’?
The main point of action is initially the need to relieve the pressure on your teeth by not letting them contact each other in such a detrimental way. This is done by getting the muscles supporting the jaws to relax. One of the most common ways is to wear an appliance over your upper teeth during sleep.
These appliances have progressed greatly in the last few years and here at the Eastbourne Dental Centre we are happy to offer the latest technology in this field with a very small and comfortable ‘clenching inhibitor’. Research shows great results in the relief of pain and protection of your teeth and dental work, with the use of such an appliance.

If any of the above symptoms are plaguing you, please don’t hesitate to call Eastbourne Dental Centre on Ph.5627506. Or pop in to make an appointment at Cnr Rimu St and Marine Pde Eastbourne.